Two Cities – Part 3 – Simply Wrong

The wrong-believing pagans of Rome, who were laying the blame on Christianity for the fall of the Eternal City in 411 AD, demonstrated one truth at least: When it comes to unbelief, there simply is…

Two Cities – Part 2 – Obvious and Undeniable

Augustine’s first parry in response to those who took a swing at Christianity as the cause for Rome’s destruction was to point out an obvious and undeniable truth: If it weren’t for the fact that…

Two Cities – Part 1 – Right Belief, Wrong Belief

News of the fall of Rome reached the north African city of Hippo on the lips of indignant refugees. Rape, pillage, slaughter, widespread vandalism by the unwashed barbarian hordes—the account no doubt horrified all who…

Seeing Jesus – Part 4 – Not Whether, but What?

I can imagine that, for some of us, the idea of “seeing Jesus” is either too abstract or esoteric, or too close to idolatry to explore. We feel a little iffy thinking about Jesus, trying…

Seeing Jesus – Part 3 – Fraud Alert

Fraud is in the air. All kinds of fraud. Bank fraud, credit card fraud, contract fraud, mortgage fraud, identity fraud, phone fraud. Fraud is becoming as prevalent as the air we breathe, and we all…

Seeing Jesus – Part 1

In John 12.45 the Lord Jesus said, “And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me.” It seems clear from this that Jesus intends us to see Him. He is One with the Father…

Projecting what He places in our Hearts

Our dear friend Ilene died recently. She converted to Judaism when she married Jay almost 30 years ago.  We attended the Shiva, the week-long mourning period, at their home after the burial.  Jay invited a…

Thin Places

The Role of the Priest and Sharing the Glory of God Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If…

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